Meet the Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a bird commonly found throughout the eastern half of North America. This species lives in bushy and semi-open habitats. This species of bird is very recognizable, especially the males, as they are a bright red color and have pointy crests on the top of their heads to attract mates. The females are a little harder to spot, as they are light brown with an orange beak. The cardinal eats berries, insects, and seeds, often seen searching for food by hopping around on the ground or in low bushes. The male cardinals sing to defend nesting territories and while in courtship, the male and female cardinals will sway back and forth while singing softly. Interestingly enough, the Northern Cardinal is the state bird of 7 different states in the US. (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia.) They are currently in stable condition, and do not migrate in the wintertime, so that is why you have probably seen them flying around during colder temperatures. To learn more about the Northern Cardinal, visit: 

This Wildlife Wednesday provided by Zander Hine, Student Board Member